Your outsourcing partner for all your data processing needs

Orboroi is your digitization partner to facilitates, streamlines and automates your existing manual processes so your organization achieves increased efficiency and quality in delivery.


Services For AI And ML Companies

Are you an AI or ML company in need of high-quality annotation for your training data? Look no further than Orboroi!

Services For E-commerce And Online Companies

Click here if you are looking for a partner to support you with data processing for e-commerce and online business!

Services For Startups And Growth Companies

Are you looking to drive sales and revenue for faster business growth? Look no further than our team at Orboroi!



Daniel Milesson

Tech Lead Machine Learning | Spiideo AB spiideo logo

After working together for more than a year, we have build a strong foundation of collaboration and trust. Like the gears of a well-oiled machine the team members have integrated well in our workflow and evolve and change according to our priorities.

Lars Edenbrant

Chief Medical Officer | SliceVault spiideo logo

During two years we have received more than 10,000 manual organ segmentation of high quality in a very efficient way. This service has helped us deliver faster to our clients and grow our business.

Axel Persson

Head of Annotation | Katam Technologies katam technology annotation service provider logo

Working with Orboroi they’ve shown great adaptability in using our tool and following our workflow whilst giving valuable input on areas of improvement. They set clear goals and have been working steadily towards them with regular follow-ups both through meetings and their dashboard.

Contact Us

Get In Touch

If you are looking for a partner to outsource your manual process, Orboroi is your optimal choice. Our services include Annotation, Data Processing, Content Moderation, Lead Generation and more.

Connect with us via our contact form and our team will promptly respond to your inquiry.

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